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Reverend Mitty Collier was given a divine vision from God.  It was during a time of rest, when she received clear instuctions from God on the formation of More Like Christ Christian Fellowship Ministries (MLC)  -  A True Connectional Church


MLC began to rapidly develop with a mission statement a foundational principle and a Board of Directors.  It was clear to Reverend Collier that God was in complete control.  Soon after Reverend Collier received instruction under the pastorate of Bishop Lance Davis, in Dolton, IL These services were held from Sunday 11-3  thru 11-5-2003.


It was at that time, that the first four individuals joined the ministry and they were Enid Spotser,  Tamika King, Tracy Peterson, and Victoria Brady.  One week later, Rev. Colllier was installed as Pastor of More Like Christ Christian Fellowship Ministries, by Bishop Lance Davis.  MLC SHOUT THE WORD . . . . . . . . . .HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!


MLC began holding worship services at ABJ Community Services Inc. located 1818 East 71st Street in Chicago on November 23, 2003.  Rev. Dr. Vivian Jones, Founder/CEO of ABJ, was gracious enough to allow us to worship at that location.


Throughout this time a variety of Ministries were being developed including:  Sunday School for all ages, MLC Praise Team, MLC Praise Dancers (Sacred), Missionary Ministry, The Celestials, Usher Board, Men's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Sound Ministry, Bible Study and the list shall continue.


MLC's first baptism service was held at Triedstone Full Gospel Baptist Church where Bishop Simon Gordon is Pastor, on September 27, 2004.  Over 20 of MLC members, including Pastor Collier, were baptized or rededicated their lives to Christ.


MLC was welcomed home when the Lord saw fit for relocation to 8201 South Dobson Avenue.  Our first worship service at home was held on April 1, 2005


MLC is steadily walking toward the goal and vision of Pastor Collier.  What began with 4 members has grown.  The Lord is adding to the church daily such as should be saved!!! 


  • Pastor Mitty Collier

© Copyright 2015  More Like Christ Ministries   8201 South Dobson Avenue Chicago, IL 60619    All rights reserved

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