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Soliders daily striving to become "MORE LIKE CHRIST"

MLC Sunday School/Bible Study

Classes for all ages.  9:45am (Sundays) Where you are free ask questions and  have bible discussions about the Sunday School lesson.  MLC Bible Study is open to all who want to learn on Tuesday at 7pm via telephone (Conference Line 339-209-5464)

Worship Ministry  (Praise Team)


MLC Praise Team is a growing ministry which includes adult men and women lifting up  the name of Jesus in Song.  Rehearsal is Saturday 12 noon .

Sacred Praise Dancers


MLC is lifting up the name of Jesus in the Dance.  MLC Sacred Praise Dancer ministry is a ministry which includes all ages and genders. 

MLC Greeters
Excited when you've chosen MLC for worship.  They are the keepers of the door,  who greets you with a smile and a warm welcome.    They watch the service and quietly give directives as each are learning to become More Like Christ.


MLC Youth on the Move


MLC Media Ministry


Sound ministry, Video ministry, Radio ministry, Tape ministry, Social Media Ministry.  Making sure that the Word of God reaches the masses, watch Pastor Collier and her guest on the internet please visit




MLC Touches the Community


BSTPL/FAN (Bible Study Telephone Prayer Line/Feed-A-Neighbor Ministry

Held on the Second Saturday in the Months of  July, August and December at 10am.  Where food and clothes are given away monthly. July is a special picnic month, August is back to school month  when filled book bags are given away, and December is "BOB" Bags of Blessing (toys, fruit, nuts, candy, hat, socks, gloves are given away to all).

Every third Saturday is "MLC Afternoon at the Movies" Come out and enjoy a movie, snacks and fellowship. 2pm

  • Pastor Mitty Collier
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